Thursday, May 19, 2011

Flash making Wonders in Website Design

Many people include Flash in their website design (or at some stage of website development) so that they can attract the visitors thereby improve the look and feel of their website and also showcase their products and services in the banner via Flash.

If Flash on a website is used properly in a website design then it becomes a great way to enhance the graphical experience of the website visitors and also provide them fast preview of the products and services and hence save their time which impresses them.

Some good uses of Flash on a website (without it allowing overshadowing your website design or look and feel) are:

  •  Flash Menu: Use of Flash menus is a good way to develop a website design that looks fresh without making the website too heavy.

  •  Flash Banner: Flash is used in the banner of the websites. If a flash banner is created properly it can really showcase your products and services more precisely and beautifully to your visitors. However only 5% websites use the banners very well. A lot of website designers don’t realise that just using flash for the sake of it can actually work against the business. When anyone visits a website and is impressed at the first page he likes to visit all the pages of the pages thus increasing the number of potential customers.

  •  Flash Presentation: If you need to provide a presentation through your website, the best option is to incorporate a flash presentation. The biggest reason for using Flash is that it’s always smaller (if designed properly) in size and more effective than a PowerPoint.

Numbers of websites have been created in flash only, and yes they have proved successful to a business. Some of the sites like of online music, online video have to be developed in Flash so as to gain more potential customers. The point to be noted here is that the customer has always received good feedback for their website and it has done great wonders to their business. Customers have the capability to listen to their music online. This was a perfect scenario (and excuse) for developing a website completely in Flash. Even at that time we provided a HTML version of the website for people on a slow connection.

In conclusion, I would again iterate that Flash is a great tool but it should be used discretely in your website design. Consider if Flash is going to add any value to your business and your website. Discuss this carefully with your website designer and check if others in your industry have used Flash and how successful it has been for them. Just don’t use flash for the sake of it.


  1. An excellent sharing.Really informative about flash website design. Flash can be a very valuable tool for your Website.Mostly the purpose of adding Flash to a website is to present complex content in a simple manner and while using the least amount of time and space.

  2. i think flash makes our site interface most attractive so people feel easy during visiting our site , this is my thoughs about flash related stuff in a website ,other wise this post is awesome and have a good stuff inside of it.
    flash web designing
